APA Format
APA FormatAPA Format is widely used in psychology, business, education, engineering and the social sciences. APA stands for American Psychological Association.According to apastyle.org, APA format was...
View ArticleSample CSE Paper
Here is a sample paper using CSE style. CSE (Council of Science Editors) is used primarily in the Life Sciences and medicine.Brief History: In 1957, the National Science Foundation and the American...
View ArticleAPA Format Title Page
I did a search online and there are several versions of the title page for APA Format. If you are wondering which version to use, this page contains information on how to properly format your cover...
View ArticleAPA Format Abstract Page
The abstract page is the second page of your APA paper. This abstract page is a summary of the major ideas contained in your research paper, readers often base on this to decide whether to read the...
View ArticleAPA Format Citation
The APA system provides in-text parenthetical citations for quotations, paraphrases, summaries, and other specific information from a source. APA style makes the year of publication part of an in-text...
View ArticleAPA Headings
Headings are section titles in your research paper. In APA, you can have up to 5 levels of headings. Every heading level must contain at least two listings; otherwise, incorporate the material into the...
View ArticleMLA Format Sub-headings
If you would like to utilize subheadings (subtitles) in your research paper, it is a good idea to first check with your instructor to be 100% sure what subheading format he/she would like you to use....
View ArticleMLA Format Sample Paper, with Cover Page and Outline
Here is a sample paper in MLA format that has both the cover page and the outline pages. This paper has 10 pages so if you are under a slow Internet connection, please wait a few seconds for all of the...
View ArticleGood luck on your finals
Spring classes are almost over, wishing everyone good luck on their finals.
View ArticleMLA Format using OpenOffice
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using OpenOffice. We will perform the following settings:All text is font “Times New Roman” & Size 12.One-inch page margin for all sides (top,...
View ArticleMLA Format using LibreOffice
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using LibreOffice. We will perform the following settings:All text is font “Times New Roman” & Size 12.One-inch page margin for all sides (top,...
View ArticleCommon Bible Abbreviations
The following abbreviations and spelled forms are commonly used for parts of the Bible (Bib.). While the Hebrew Bible and the Protestant Old Testament include the same parts in slightly different...
View ArticleHow Do I Cite the Bible in MLA Format?
• Books of the Bible are abbreviated, see here for common Bible abbreviations.In-text Citation:The first time you include a quote from the Bible, you need to include the translation, chapter...
View ArticleHow Do I Cite a Book in MLA Format?
General GuidelinesGeneral FormulaBook with No Author or Unknown AuthorBook with One AuthorBook with Two or Three AuthorsBook with Four or More AuthorsEdited, Translated or Compiled BookArticle or...
View ArticleMLA Format using Pages on Mac
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using Pages on your Mac. This tutorial makes use of Pages version 5.1. It is very easy and we are going to accomplish the following settings:All text is...
View ArticleMLA Format Using NeoOffice
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using NeoOffice. This tutorial makes use of NeoOffice version 3.4.1. It is very easy and we are going to accomplish the following settings:All text is...
View ArticleMLA Format Using Nisus Writer Pro
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using Nisus Writer Pro. It is very easy and we are going to accomplish the following settings:All text is font “Times New Roman” & Size 12.One-inch...
View ArticleMLA Format using Corel WordPerfect
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using Corel WordPerfect. It is very easy and we are going to accomplish the following settings:All text is font “Times New Roman” & Size 12.One-inch...
View ArticleMLA Format Using AbiWord
This tutorial will show you how to do MLA Format using AbiWord. It is very easy and we are going to accomplish the following settings:All text is font “Times New Roman” & Size 12.One-inch page...
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